

スポーツジムのポル・ド・ブラは楽しいエクササイズです(The sports gym Port de Bras is a fun exercise)

ニューヨーク生活日記 - にほんブログ村


Image by Evgen Rom from Pixabay



今日は最近私がはまっている「ポル・ド・ブラ(Port de Bras)」について紹介します。



Hello, this is hiroko.

Today I would like to introduce you to the "Port de Bras" that I have been addicted to recently.

I've only done it about four times yet, but it's one of the programs I'm doing at a sports center.


目次(table of contents)



ポル・ド・ブラとは(What is Port de Bras?)

Port de Brasとはフランス語で、英語ではCarriage of the armsのことで、「腕の動き」という意味になります。そして、バレエとヨガを組み合わせたような運動です。





Port de Bras is French, and in English it means Carriage of the arms, which means "arm movement". And it's like a combination of ballet and yoga.

I didn't know it when I was in Japan two years ago, so it seems like a program that has become popular recently.

It's hard to express in sentences, but the arms are big and stretched and moved like when doing ballet. There are movements such as standing on one leg or moving the center of gravity. It feels like sweating because it doesn't move violently like aerobics. Posture and balance are important, so your core is trained. Even if you have muscles, it doesn't seem to feel like it's swelling outside.
The music is not classical music like ballet, but unlike aerobics, it feels like club music, but it's comfortable. You are free to dress and do this exercise barefoot. It is an exercise that you can do regardless of age.



私の取り組み(My efforts)





I now go to the sports center once a week and take the same program. Until now, I used to go to the sports center on my free days and take different programs each time. It's always my first class and I can or cannot follow. I didn't want to get used to it for my body, so I wanted to continue doing the same thing. And when I tried this Porto Bra, I found it very fun.

I started learning ballet for the first time about 20 years ago. I had been doing it for about two years, but I stopped because my body was stiff and I had pain when I put my foot on the bar forever, and I couldn't open my legs enough. I met this Por de Bra this time, and I have a lot of ballet-like movements of my arms and hands, and I am able to exercise with an elegant feeling.

When I first attended this class, I didn't feel tired during the class, but I felt dull and tired, like after I got home and moved a lot. When I asked the teacher later, he didn't sweat, but he seems to be using his body quite a bit. I would like to continue this class and be conscious of protein intake, and at the same time, I want to build muscle inside the body and tighten it.








Port de Bras is an exercise that combines ballet and yoga.

It's not as intense as aerobics, but it trains your core. It seems that you can participate no matter how old you are.

If you see Port de Bras, please give it a try.





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