

鏡開きをしたお餅でヘルシーぜんざいを作りましょう(Let's make healthy zenzai with rice cakes that open "Kagamimochi")

ニューヨーク生活日記 - にほんブログ村

kagami-mochi & zenzai

kagami-mochi & zenzai

 こんにちは、hirokoです。 今日は鏡割りとヘルシーぜんざいについて紹介します。 明日、1月11日は成人の日ですが、鏡開きの日でもあります。このお餅を使ってぜんざいを作ってみましょう。

Hello, this is hiroko.

Today I would like to introduce you to Kagami-biraki and Healthy


Tomorrow, January 11th is Coming-of-Age Day, but it is also Kagami-biraki day. Let's make zenzai using this mochi.


目次(table of contents)


鏡開きとは(What is Kagami biraki?)

 鏡開きとは お正月にお供えした鏡餅を下げて食べることで、無病息災を祈念します。

武家では「切る」というのは切腹を意味したので、「開く」という言い方をしたそうです。場所によって日にちも異なるようですが、関東は明日、1月11日ですね。 このお餅をお汁粉やお雑煮、あられにして食べるということです。 私はぜんざいにして食べるつもりです。


We pray for good health by lowering and eating the kagami mochi offered on New Year's Day.

In the samurai family, "cutting" meant seppuku, so we used the term "opening."

In reality, we hit the kagami mochi with a hammer to make it smaller.

It seems that the date varies depending on the location, but it will be January 11th tomorrow in Kanto region.

This mochi is eaten as oshiruko, ozoni, or arare.

I'm going to eat it as zenzai, a kind of oshiruko.



ヘルシーぜんざいの作り方(How to make healthy zenzai)

このぜんざいを作る前に煮小豆を作っておく必要があります。 作り方は昨日の記事を見て下さいね⇊

Before making this zenzai, you need to make boiled red beans.

See yesterday's article for how to make it ⇊ 




This recipe is healthy because it has less sugar than usual. (Original text is quoted from Asaichi of NHK)




ウラワザ煮小豆 500g

白ザラ糖(グラニュー糖でも良い) 220g

水 600ml

塩 ほんのひとつまみ


Urawaza boiled red beans 500g

Confectionel granulated sugar (granulated sugar is also acceptable) 220g

Water 600 ml

Just a pinch of salt


作り方(How to make)


1.  Boiled azuki beans are a little hard for zenzai, so add 600 ml of water and simmer for about 20 minutes to soften them.



2.  Put (1. )in a frying pan and add half of the sugar (110g) before lighting.



3.  Heat over medium heat and mix gently with a wooden spatula.



4.  When it boils, reduce the heat and add the remaining sugar (110g).



5.  Boil on medium heat until thickened to your liking.



6. Turn off the heat, add a little salt that you can't tell the salty taste, and mix.






By adding sugar in half in a frying pan, you can bring out the sweetness with a smaller amount than usual. As a result, you can also reduce calories.








I made half the amount of boiled red beans (250g). When I made it with this method, the water content was greatly reduced, so I added a lot.

I used ordinary white sugar as the sugar, but it still felt sweet.

This is the second time I've made it with this recipe, but it was better in this time! It is now my favorite.







Kagami biraki is a traditional Japanese event, which is January 11th in the Kanto region.

If you use this method, you can make zenzai from azuki beans in an hour. In no time!






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